Brackets are Broken

Edgemount SD

Sharon’s brackets that hold the fenders are cracking. So we r going to remove them and she will run ghetto….



5 Responses to “Brackets are Broken”

  • Dave Chiurazzi:



    May I suggest her husband thoroughly inspect her bike before his princess mounts her ride so to speak….

    Note to self: New item to add to the trip checklist:

    “Quit buying sunglasses and nonsense and insure Sharon’s safety”

    Akzl is learning valuable “how not to’s” from his father – great lesson Johnny!!!

  • tom botz:

    who gives a hoot about broken brackets…
    more girly pix please
    this time some we can zoom in on

    Jimmy good to see you trip is going well

    greetings from La Paloma, Uruguay

    • JimmyV:

      Lol, I know, I know – but it was a semi-family trip.. Of sorts…
      send some pics from your adventure when you get an opportunity!

  • Listen here Churro, I am very lucky to have ALL these guys looking out for me! You have a lot of blah blah blah, you need to strap some on and ride out here with us. You could then make your own boobie collage! LOL!

    • Dave Chiurazzi:


      And there’s a lot more blah blah blah where that came from!!

      You are lucky to have them…I sure wouldn’t put up with all of the tending and fixin’ and other issues that come with bringing you on the trip!!! LOL.

      Go find some more toothless, sedated animals to look at – oh, I forgot, you are already riding with a pack of them!!!!! LMFAO

      Call me Chirpin Churro…just don’t call me to fix your brackets!!!!

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