Another Kind of Ride

This one isn’t a motorcycle ride, nor is it a MTB or bicyle ride. It is the “One Day Ride”, and this time it is on horseback.

What is it you may ask? Rancho Mission Viejo and El Viaje de Portola riders help sponsor this horesback trail ride for about 300-350 riders. This southern California local tradition has some history that has contiuned for just about 50 years. Each year a guest list is offered out for this event that takes place each fall on the remaining open space of Rancho Mission Viejo, AKA The Ranch. The private ride is mostly composed of the Portola riders and business consultants to join in a unique trail ride that honors an old western cowboy tradition.

This one day ride is actually a two day event, with pre ride fesivities the day before. After an 8:00 am check-in and after breakfast is served, everybody settles in to watch and or participate in Team Sorting, Bacce Ball and Team Branding (the Good Times Bar is open early for this). After a Portola Cowboy buffet at noon, Bocce ball continues along with Buckle Roping. In the late afternoon, Los Swallows Inn in downtown San Juan Capistrano hosts a welcome and at 500 p.m. the El Edobe/El Presidente Reception happens. After the reception winds down, it is usually standing room only back at the Swallows Inn to dance and listen to live country music till the late evening.

The “2nd” day the One Day Ride happens as we gather for breakfast, saddle up and ride out on the ranch for the day.

You won’t see the familiar face of Big Steve on this particular day, but you may recoginze someone from the past that I dug up…. He will be joining us on this two day adventure.

I don’t know how much I will be able to blog during the ride, but I may have some pictures afterwards… stay tuned..


9 Responses to “Another Kind of Ride”

  • Churro:

    Howdy Pardner,

    I only have two things to say:

    That sounds like an awesome time and you know it is a whole lot better than working! and…

    who is that guy? He looks familiar but just can’t place him???…is that Hopalong Cassidy?????

  • Hadassah:

    Yeehaw! This sounds like so much fun. What a great adventure. You know how to live life:) I look fwd to hearing about it! By the way, great pic!

  • JVK:

    You look kickin in that cowboy hat. I love it. Stay sober enough so you don’t fall off the horse and break your neck. Sounds like a grand old time. Will be watching for the pictures.

  • janniev:

    Sounds like a blast!! I don’t recognize your blast from the past buddy, but then again, I hardly recognized you in thet cowboy hat! The Jack Daniels clued me in 🙂 Looking good!!

  • Sharon:

    That’s two tough looking Cowboys! Have a great time…This always sounds like so much fun.

  • Binky:

    Saddle Up Jimmy V and Dean. I see you are up bright and early and already starting on the breakfast of champions. NICE….You will be needing plenty of that to get on that horse of yours.

  • janniev:

    After seeing your response (and BEFORE reading Binky’s giveaway poast) I recognized Dean. I’m used to seeing you guys in do-rags or no hats!

  • big Steve:

    Looks like John Wyne Valentine and Jackie Chan from shanghai noon.
    LOL have fun and hope no tree limbs come down when riding .

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