Boom, Day 3 done… 70 miles

I thought maybe this last day would be hard, but it’s amazing what a bullet coffee in the morning and two Advils can do.  Plus a day where you have plenty of time helps.

I finished at the train station in downtown San Diego, but the official Pacific Coast ride still goes another 20 miles down the coast to the border-that I’ll save for another time.  I didn’t want to add another 40 miles to the day.

nice overcast day for most of the ride

the sign for ToreyPines, which indicates the big climb

coffee break at Starbucks by the coaster

the Midway museum downtown San Diego

statue by Midway

I learned a lot from this trip to help with planning a longer trip in the future and in researching for some more info.  Granted, I was carry very little on  this trip, but I have a better understanding of what type of bike I should be looking for and realistic mileage days to expect without killing yourself.

nice views from Amtraks Surfrider train ride home

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