Lost Coast Hike – Day 1

First Days Trek – 7.5 miles Click here for google earth kzm file.


Day 1 Elevation and Distance


The Group: myself, Tim, Sam,Cynthia, Kevin and Paul

Monday morning we loaded our gear into our cars and headed to the lot at the south end of the trail at Black Sand Beach and parked.  This is where we will come out on day 4.  There was a shuttle driver we arranged to shuttle us two hrs north to the northern trail head.  

Two hours later we were starting our four day hike with about 33 to 35 pounds on our back, sunny but cool weather with a good 15 mph tailwind.  Our goal is to make it to the beginning  of the first high tide 4 mile impasse zone, which was about 5 miles away.

This hike is about 20% trail, with the rest of it is negotiating the beach and shoreline.  The hike started on the beach, greeted by sea lions sun bathing on the beach, then turns into a small trail just above the beach, navigating thru some poison oak and gain some elevation and cliff like trails with breath taking views. 

At our 5 mile mark, a decision was made to start the first impasse zone, but to camp at the halfway point.  High tide was about an hour or so away, so we started out.  We had to hustle as we were not sure.   Luckily we all made it but it was close, as the last few hundred yards the tide was reaching the cliff side.

We settled in a remote canyon that we had to our self’s and after setting up camp, enjoyed the rest of the evening.

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