It was cool, then cold, then hot, then windy, then cold, then hot……

[findmespotmap v=3 start=”2012-08-09 07:00:00″ end=”2012-08-10 06:59:00″ id=”0-2100758″ type=t sv=yes wx=station]

Yesterday was strange. Clear sky’s, but venture a little inland and it started to blaze. Head along the coast and it got cold. The wind by Hearst Castle was like a winter breeze. Along route 1 and Big Sur, beautiful and slow going, and no wind and sunny sky’s without the fog. Approach Monterey and it was another cold wind and lots of traffic at 5:00 p.m. We rode to south of San Jose and called it a day. Tomorrow looks hot no matter what way we go…. Still undecided..

13 Responses to “It was cool, then cold, then hot, then windy, then cold, then hot……”

  • Dave Chiurazzi:

    Yesterday at work it sucked, and then it sucked some more…and then it chewed and grinded and then left me in a weakened state of “yes sir, no sir”…give me a break you BFP!!! too cold / too hot…how about too friggin old!!! b/t/w – I dig the neon jacket – that is NNIIICCCEEE…looks like it has a lot of gizmo’s embedded in it – if Big Steve doesn’t have one, I am sure he wants one – bad ass brother.

  • Misser:

    Have fun Jimmy! Wish I was going! Looking forward to more commentary from you and Dave!

  • JT:

    Six Dollars!

  • janniev:

    I retract my WEAK reply from yesterday. I don’t know whether to say ‘stay cool’ or not! Just be comfortable and safe. Looks like you’re way inland….

    • Jimmyv:

      Since my ride with Joyce, I now tend to like those easier days. Churro MAY be right….

      • janniev:

        Looks like another short day today. Days Inn perhaps? You’re stopping before MY bedtime! ‘Course that leaves more time for hoisting a few in the evening. Enjoy & don’t forget to post those pics!!

  • Misser:

    Yes, I sure did, but I don’t have a bike……yet

  • JVK:

    Love the neon green. Must have been a great ride along the coast. Jeanette’s here now and she can “ride along” too.

  • kreegy6:

    Was the blaze green part of the new wardrobe for the trip? I am glad you got started and I will look forward to following along

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