Canadian Rockies-Tire is Finally Fixed After Ride

As you know, I picked up a nail on day one of our ride to the Canadian Rockies on a brand new tire. Big Steve pulled the nail out and did a roadside plug that sealed the hole. We were successful in filling the tire back up with air and without any leaks, but we were unsuccessful in finding anyone to put a patch on it to make it more secured. We ended up riding another 4,000 miles as just a plug. Below is how it looked when we completed our trip from the outside.
When we returned home, I took the bike to Steve’s shop and we wanted to see how well he sealed the tire and to also puts a patch on it. Below is a look inside the tire with the temporary plug that made it the 4,000 miles. It was basically a gooey rope/string thing that was folded in half and shoved in the hole that the nail made. As you can see, not really much sealing the hole…

Below is the fix. Grind the rope nub off on the inside of the tire, rough up the tire in the area, apply cement and then your patch (much like patching a bicycle tube I guess). Boom! Done! Fixed (or at least more secured). I don’t know why so many places refused to do this….


One Response to “Canadian Rockies-Tire is Finally Fixed After Ride”

  • JVK:

    I’d really have a laugh if the properly repaired tire doesn’t last as long as the plug. You know the saying – leave well enough alone. Just glad it worked so well for you on the trip.

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