Day 4-Grand Junction, CO to Cheyenne, WY

Day 4 Route-343 miles
[findmespotmap v=3 start=”2011-08-06 07:00:00″ end=”2011-08-07 06:59:00″ id=”0-2100758″ type=t sv=yes wx=station]

Day 4 we left around 10 am after a quick stop at the Harley Davidson dealership in Grand Junction and followed I-70 to Denver then north on I-25 to Cheyenne. Today we ran about 60 miles between stops, had a lunch stop in Edwards, CO, and by 7:00 p.m we pulled into Cheyenne just before an approaching storm. It was a beautiful ride as the scenery was very green and the weather was mostly sunny throughout the day.

Don’t know why, but for a Saturday, traffic seemed congested as we approached Denver. It could have been due to a large bicycle event that was taking place through the Vail Pass contributed to it.

After cleaning up and hanging at the pool and hot tub at the Hampton’s Inn, we walked across the lot to enjoy a dinner at Outback Steakhouse.

Tomorrow we should be in Rapid City dodging thunderstorms as we approach.

A Vista shot of the boys in Utah from the previous day

One of several tunnels along I-70

The ride through Glenwood Canyon

Our lunch stop in Edwards, CO

5 Responses to “Day 4-Grand Junction, CO to Cheyenne, WY”

  • JannieV:

    LOVE IT!! All these great pics and I especially like seeing the group shots. I’m putting in my vote for John, Sharon and Azki to recreate the picture from ’95. I’m a sucker for that stuff. And an entire group shot, too, of course. Next stop – Sturgis…and the real fun begins! Hope the weather holds for you.

  • JannieV:

    Am I good, or what?? You checked into Sturgis 9 minutes ago. I’ll most likely be in bed by the time you update this, so have fun. CU in the morning!

  • Dave Chiurazzi:

    We should all be thankful for Jannie – she really adds a sense of homespun niceness that seem to be lacking from my posts…she and I balance each other out – you know how it is – how many sweets can you eat before you need to get out of the house and take a walk on the dark side!

    and b/t/w Jimmy – all those date shakes and gym dates do pay off – you are hot!…you old geezbone!!

    • JannieV:

      Awww…gee thanks, I think That’s what sisters are for, I guess. I feel like I know all you guys, I’ve been reading your posts for so long. We’re all growing up…here’s your real name, not just Churro (I’m guessing that’s who you are).

    • JimmyV:

      Lol, thanks Dave.. Just keep your supple hands off me…..

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