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Day 2-Just Over the Hill from Half Moon Bay

So, it appears my map add-in isn’t working right, but you can follow at SPOT website

Shai and I left Paso Robles at 9:45 after we had breakfast at the inn. It was a clear crisp day as we left and headed west on CA-46 towards the coast. I think this is my new favorite route rather than the usual way I’ve done in the past, that is heading towards Morro Bay. This route was less traveled and had a view of the ocean as we descended towards Cambria.

We headed north on route 1 and with blue sky’s, headed up the coast to Big Sur. this is a great road, but only if you take the time to enjoy it, with plenty of stops. There are plenty of overlooks and views to enjoy. We had plenty of time as our goal was to just make it to Larry’s house, which was only about 250 miles or so-perfect!

Once past Big Sur, we were in Carmel and had to deal with the wind which is always coming off the ocean cold and hard. The wind did subside somewhat, but still had to deal with a cold wind once we pasted Santa Cruz all the way to Half Moon Bay. But make no mistake, it was a great putt as I was in no hurry.
Hard to imagine John, we did that ride in January, you on your shovel head, me on my softail, both of us with no windshields and you with that crazy suicide clutch and a bike we had to push start… And trow Puff Daddy in the mix! Lol, that was when we were younger…

Once we were in Half Moon Bay, we gave Larry a call and we were invited for dinner with ribs, potatoes, salad, lemon tart and pistachio ice cream and a place to crash. Oh, beer too.

BTW, click on of the images for a larger view.

Ragged Point

Ragged Point

Ragged Point

Ragged Point

Another view

Another view

One of many forests we will be going through.

One of many forests we will be going through.

The road ahead of us

The road ahead of us

View for our snack

View for our snack

Protein shake along with a three berry coffee cake with a great view.

Protein shake along with a three berry coffee cake with a great view.

First Night-Paso Robles Inn

So, it appears my map add-in isn’t working right, but you can follow at SPOT website:

Well, we did a slow 300 miles and pulled into the Paso Robles Hot Springs Spa and Inn at 6:00 p.m. It was a very cool ride as we had coastal marine layer pretty much all the way to Santa Barbara, then the sun was out the rest of the way, but a cool headwind.

Today after breakfast we will head to Cambrian then up through Big Sur and continue north to Probably Half Moon Bay.

Lunch in Solvang

Lunch in Solvang

The Paso Robles Inn

The Paso Robles Inn

Redwoods it is!

[findmespotmap v=3 start=”2013-07-28 07:00:00″ end=”2013-08-01 06:59:00″ id=”0-2100758″ type=t sv=yes wx=station]

We starting…
Yeah, I know it’s late but it’s vacation!


WTF Tour

Wandering To Forests…  What were you thinking?

Yellowstone National Forest or Redwoods National Forest, and all forests in between.  Both places are beautiful.  This is a trip with just Shai and I.


Old Faithful at Yellowstone N.P.


Hot Springs Pool in Yellowstone N.P.


A wandering old road in Redwoods National Forest

Redwood National Park

Towering stand of Redwoods


Shai and I don’t know yet which way we will head.  I have left it up to him.  We will leave either Tuesday night or Wednesday morning.  This trip will has no real plan but to have fun, so let’s see how if unfolds.

We have preliminary packed up the bike to test out how it is working.  Typical configuration, both of our foul weather gear in one saddle bag, electronics in the other and both of our clothes in the bag mounted behind the passenger.  Jackets will go on the top of the saddle bags or the top of the rear bag.  So far we have made it work.


Now to just decide where to go….

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