Archive for the ‘2010-05-16 Nostalgic’ Category

Nostalgic Ride Wrap-up

“A Perfect Ending to a Perfect Day”  was Steve’s comment at our last stop before we split off to go home, and I couldn’t agree more.

Love these kind of rides.  No big game plan, just to ride and see where it takes us and enjoys the views and the people we meet.  It is always a pleasure to ride my old bike – to just throw a leg over, twist the throttle and just putt along and enjoy the day

Ride Profile for May 16th, 2010

 Here are some extra photos from the ride – use either viewer..

Round 4, ending the Nostalgic Ride

Hey, they changed the sign from last week. Having one before heading home at Hell’s Kitchen

Round 3

Beer Garden at Stone Brewrey

3rd Stop-Stone Brewery

Deceided to go to a micro brewery in Escondido……Arrogant Baster Ale!!! Niiiiiiiice

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