Archive for the ‘2012-08-08 Canadian Rockies’ Category

Day 6 – Jasper AB to Fernie, BC


First of all, thanks to all of you that are leaving comments. As always, they are appreciated no matter what is said-can't help but to laugh!

Canada is very beautiful and clean, but it is also very expensive to eat dinner in a bar or pub. Seems like every casual meal with a beer or two was $50 bucks apiece. maybe it was because we tended to be in tourist areas? Or is it because we drank more than two beers…

The next day our only goal was to get to Banff, then take it from there and perhaps make it back to the states. The weather was cloudy in Jasper and most of the way south as they were expecting showers the next day-hence we wanted to get further south.

As you can see from these photos (and the gallery) that it looked cold and was colder that day. it was also interesting to backtrack as the scenery does look different.

We left around 8:30, was in Banff by 12:30 and by 2:00 we were back in the sunshine with a surprise road that looked dull on the map was turned out great. Then when we hit the plains, bam, the winds. By 5:00 p.m. We headed back over another pass to get to the BC side were at 6ish we called it quits in Fernie British Columbia.






More on the Ride to Jasper

[findmespotmap v=3 start=”2012-08-14 07:00:00″ end=”2012-08-15 06:59:00″ id=”0-2100758″ type=t sv=yes wx=station]

Above is todays Ride.

I believe I fixed the links on the previous post, so the photos should show up on that older post now. You can go back at look at them.

Here are some more pictures of the ride to Jasper…. And this was all in one day!


Beautiful Day on the Ride to Jasper

[findmespotmap v=3 start=”2012-08-13 07:00:00″ end=”2012-08-14 06:59:00″ id=”0-2100758″ type=t sv=yes wx=station]

Fixed the links (I think) Just a few pictures from today’s ride. I’ll try and create a gallery and upload more. Just an outstanding day of riding. This is one of the most beautiful roads in north America as far as scenery goes. All day of riding and it seems you never leave the heart of the mountains. These pictures do not do this justice, but here is our attempt. You can click on them if you want to see there full size.












Another Great Riding Day…

[findmespotmap v=3 start=”2012-08-12 07:00:00″ end=”2012-08-13 06:59:00″ id=”0-2100758″ type=t sv=yes wx=station]

Last night it rained off and on with some thunder. Much needed rain in this area, hopefully helps with the local fires.
But the morning was crisp and clear and we were treated with a pretty much a mostly sunny day. It was a great ride north into Canada where we stopped in Cranbrook, BC for the night.
Our early morning ride up 93 from Salmon
We continue to climb during the morning after we left town.

it cold enough for me to put my hood on.

Route 93 follows the river downhill

do you think I could write this trip off as an advertising expense? (Bumpr Sticker)


still following the river most of the day


view of the mountains as you approach Glacier National Park.


more of the same mountains


Canada, we made it in!


time for more pictures


first glimpse of what we will get more off


picture perfect.


Tomorrow night we should make it to Jasper AB. Weather should be good.

p.s. most of these pictures are from BS’s


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